Monday, September 28, 2009

Nobody wants to know me

Esther rang one reporter every Monday, just to talk.
After a while, the reporter stopped taking her calls.
Esther stopped calling and declared the media had no interest in her
If she had rung more reporters more often about more things she wouldn’t have noticed when one stopped listening.
PR works when you work it.
Esther should have used our easy 30-module PR for Pennies programme.
And so should you.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to get free publicity or why you don’t need to pay for everything all the time

If you put your message out time and time again for a slow accumulation of attention, then after a while, the person begins to realise she saw the ad before; after another while it becomes so familiar that she believes it was always there.

And after another few notices she wonders why she didn’t buy that product already.

It is your task to get her there.
It's easy.
We can show you how.
full article

She uses our easy 30-module PR for Pennies programme. And so could you.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What's your favourite reporter’s mobile number, his email, what does he do for downtime?

To get known you must know some key influencers that will help you along the way.
Danielle knows reporter Keith’s mobile number and where he likes to hang out off-duty.
She knows where to contact him when she’s ready for some free publicity.
PR works for her.
It can work for you.

Danielle uses our easy 30-module PR for Pennies programme. And so could you.


Friday, September 18, 2009

How long is it since you swopped new products for old in the top three?

People constantly bought the same products in Colette’s gift shop.

When they stopped she introduced new sellers for old.

Through PR word of mouth her customers filled the shop for a new and old sale.

Now, she stocks remnants in nostalgia corner at a scarcity price and sells the new line at a premium.

PR can work for you too.

Colette used our easy 30-module PR for Pennies programme. And so could you.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where were the press releases published?

Bobby wrote loads of press releases but nobody saw them.
Then, he heard the local newspaper was gone.
In the corner shop he researched what people were reading instead.
A new paper was covering local business. Bobby rang and sent a news release.
Bobby’s business has picked up.

Bobby used our easy 30-module PR for Pennies programme.
And so could you.

PR for Pennies courseLink

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When was the last time you told your customers about your top products?

Annie was away in America for years and returned home with a new get fit franchise.
She called her old clients from her mini-marathon training days and offered them trial offers.
Than a pal in a paper wrote it up.
Annie is moving once more.
So could you.

Use our easy 30-module PR for Pennies programme.
PR is easy Link

Monday, September 14, 2009

Relating to people is easy

Public relations is about relating to the public: your customers, your public.
Public Relations, or PR, is just that; telling people about you and your product and service.
And since you already know your customer, it should be easy.

Use our easy 30-module PR for Pennies programme.
PR is easy Link

Friday, September 11, 2009

Have you got her number?

When was the last time you briefed a contact journalist about your current promotions?
If she is a freelance, what is her mobile number, her direct email?
What other publications does she report for that might be interested in your story?

To remind you, see our 30-module PR for Pennies programme.  courseLink

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What do my clients read?

Do you know which publications target your client base?

If you do; which journalists are your contacts there?

If you don't know either, why don't you?

To be quoted in the right papers, see how on our 30-day PR for Pennies course.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Why do you think people care about your products?

Name your competitors three top products.

List your own three top products.

Who knows you're better?

Are you sure?

To make sure, see details of our 30-day PR for Pennies course.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Penny PR is launched today

Just to say.
Our 30-module programme on conducting your own Public Relations at little cost is hereby launched.
Owners of stables and owners of ships alike can avail of the wisdom and knowledge contained in this good-value programme.
God bless all who sail in her.
See here
Blog us back and tell us what you think.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

hail and farewell

To sell you must provide what the customer needs at a price they can afford and at a profit to yourself.
An onboard sailor does not need a horse, much.
On land he joins the cavalry.